Billy Gohl Talk with Phil Slep
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
June 13th
Room 4130
Call: 360.538.4088 to register or visit:

NEW Grays Harbor History Lecture with Phil Slep!
Billy Gohl Talk: “What’s doing downtown”, was a daily question asked by the city’s founding father, Sam Benn. However, what was doing downtown from 1905-1911 was not good news. “Riffraff” is too good a word for Billy Gohl, the most thoroughly evil man who ever set foot in Aberdeen.
Cost: $15.00
Date: Thursday, June 13th
Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm
Location: Grays Harbor College, room 4130