Ocean Shores Welcome Committee
2:00 to 8:00 pm
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Home-based business
About Us
I recently retired and would love to contribute more to my community. My husband & I moved to Ocean Shores from Bakersfield, CA. When living in Bakersfield I was very involved in the community there.
I was an Ambassador of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce, a board member of the Bakersfield Boss Ladies, and a member of the Bakersfield Babes in Business, the Bakersfield Business Network, a BNI group, the Hispanic Connections Group, and the Bakersfield Bunnies. All great networking groups.
I retired from Northminster Presbyterian Church of Bakersfield. Other work experiences were with the California Rail Builders (Ferrovial), Bakersfield Biz App, BMC West, Lamar Advertising, and as self-employed Administrative Specialist.
Some of my passions are being involved, fellowshipping with others, and doing what I can to help enhance others. Networking is an important aspect in achieving my passions. My other fun activities are reading, gardening, crafting, writing, and traveling.
Heads-up ... I'm a hugger.
Other projects I am working on are the Ocean Shores Urgent Care.
- https://os-wc.com/

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